Show your commitment to renewable energy now
Sustainable development has to be climate-friendly and economically sound. That’s why future energy generation needs to be super clean. And we can achieve this through greater use of renewables and pushing forward with the energy transition. You can contribute, too – even if you replaced all your light bulbs with low-energy bulbs years ago.
It’s all about the mix. Why should you invest in clean energy?
The world needs more renewable energy! And the UN agrees: its Agenda 2030 lists 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The seventh goal (SDG 7) promotes access to and expansion of affordable, reliable and clean energy. The aim is to boost the proportion of renewable energies in the global energy mix.
The global rate of increase in energy efficiency is expected to double by 2030. In practice, that means reducing CO2 emissions, developing hydropower and using wind energy and other renewable energy sources. So what do we need? Research, funding and investment. And you can contribute too.
Future-proof your investments with renewable energies.

These areas are the focus of the companies we’ve selected:

Highly innovative companies involved in renewable energies.

Companies taking significant steps in energy efficiency.

Companies helping expand energy infrastructure or modernise technology.
Fit for the future with wind farms, geothermal energy and solar panels
Our lives would be nothing without energy, at home or at work. Most of the world’s energy is currently generated from fossil fuels, as an April 2022 the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms. The report also draws attention to the increasing severity of climate-related challenges.
To slow this trend it’s essential that we find alternative, sustainable forms of energy generation, including photovoltaic systems, offshore wind farms and geothermal energy. Now is the time to accelerate global progress with clean energy. For example, we need energy storage facilities, as renewable electricity production depends on the weather.
In other words, it’s not just about using more clean energy in daily life, it’s also about using your investment to ensure that more renewable energy sources are promoted worldwide. Having an impact while seizing the opportunity for returns – that not only makes you ready for the future, but also billions of people and the environment.
Our selection: energy efficiency, infrastructure and clean technology
Our investment experts have selected companies with a particular focus on clean energy:
- Vestas Wind Systems A/S*
- Itron Inc*
- ITM Power
You can find more information on these companies on the wiLLBe app, where you can invest in renewable energy with as little as EUR / CHF 200. Help supply the whole world with sustainably electricity!
Get to know the other 6 investment topics
Clean Energy is not the only topic you can invest in. Learn more about our other 6 topics and invest where you see fit. All topics are based on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.