Discover wiLLBe, the Investment App of the Liechtensteinische Landesbank
Welcome to wiLLBe the investment app of the Liechtensteinische Landesbank, one of the safest universal banks in the world. We combine safe savings at favourable conditions and sustainable investment in one app. Benefit from our award-winning expertise and build your assets with us step by step.
wiLLBe has been awarded.

Biallo honours wiLLBe with the «best cash account» award in the existing-customer-interest-rate category. rates wiLLBe with five stars for the top ranking «stable interest rate».
This is how you benefit with wiLLBe

Your starting point for responsible banking
With wiLLBe, you can not only save at attractive conditions but also invest your assets sustainably.

Savings and investments at top conditions
You benefit from advantageous interest rates of EUR 2.65 %, CHF 0.35 % oder USD 3.75 %, while the annual fee for investments is just 0.49 %.

The flexible and safe way to save
Liechtensteinische Landesbank is one of the world’s safest full-service banks. Your money grows from day one, and you can access it at any time.
Want to invest and save money? Find out more about wiLLBe here.