Mercy Ships
wiLLBe is setting an example by supporting Mercy Ships as it improves access to healthcare in Africa.

The floating hospital
Mercy Ships is an international aid organisation that was founded in Switzerland in 1978 and which has been running hospital ships in developing countries ever since. Volunteers from more than 60 countries work on these ships, paying for their own accommodation and catering.
Each year the organisation carries out more than 2,500 operations, receives more than 10,000 patients in its dental clinic, and trains around 1,280 experts on-site. And that’s how Mercy Ships manages to operate a floating hospital in Africa: the volunteer crew provide life-changing surgery as well as medical training and infrastructure renovations to support local health services.
A new ship will be launched in 2022 with 1,000 volunteers, six operating theatres and almost 200 hospital beds, joining the existing ship which has five operating theatres and 82 hospital beds.

Have mercy – we bring hope
We feel connected to Mercy Ships on many levels: compassion is a virtue. But compassion alone won’t help anyone. Luckily Mercy Ships knows what it’s doing. The NPO loads its ship up with compassion, as well as the people and equipment you need if you want to bring change. Mercy Ships’ mission supports one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that’s central to our own commitments: healthcare and medicine (SDG 3).
Mercy Ships go directly to wherever their equipment, crew and expertise can make a difference. The organisation is a great example of what we aim to achieve with our sustainability strategy and donations: use our expertise to make a real, discernible impact in the places where we can make a real difference. But also to show our customers how specific investments and donations are making significant contributions to shaping a better world.
«wiLLBe Invest is setting sail on a pioneering new partnership which will also benefit people in the ports where our ships dock.»

wiLLBe promotes active health and quality of life
We know exactly where the money from our partnership with Mercy Ships goes. It could be an eye examination for a brother and sister, dental treatment for their mother, or orthopaedic surgery for their grandfather. So we provide concrete help where it is urgently needed.