Invest in new climate protection opportunities – and generate returns.
Stopping climate change is the central challenge of our time. It’s the only way we can preserve the world for future generations. It’s time we did something! And we can do that by investing sustainably.
Fund the climate change slowdown
A report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) dated April 2022 shows that our environment is changing rapidly, with serious social and environmental consequences. CO₂ emissions continue to rise, biodiversity is under threat and extreme weather phenomena are becoming more frequent. The challenge facing humanity continues to grow as our habitat changes.
That’s why we need swift, global action to protect our climate and the natural world, and to conserve species. This has to go far beyond simply offsetting CO₂ emissions. We need to innovate to meet the challenge of global warming. We need to change how we think and find a new way of investing money.
Investing and fighting climate change.

Sustainable investing with willbe Invest
This is why ‘climate protection measures’ are one of the most pressing of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It’s an investment topic that we deal with in depth at willbe. We need to invest tens of billions in climate solutions to reach net zero emissions worldwide. But you can also play a small part by investing sustainably.
For example, you can invest in companies that are committed to sustainable technologies, environmentally friendly products or renewable energies in the following fields:

Transport and infrastructure


Circular economy
An investment revolution for climate protection
Financing the slowdown in climate change means promoting ecological balance and sustainable development worldwide and ensuring the preservation of our planet. Climate change has transformed our climate system dramatically.
As CO₂ emissions continue to rise, extreme events – such as droughts, heatwaves and storms – are becoming more frequent, as the IPCC report details. This endangers entire ecosystems, such as forests and oceans. People around the world are losing their livelihoods as a result of these changes. It’s time to invest sustainably to stop this trend in its tracks.
From electric cars to sustainable building technology – it’s up to you
Would you like your investments to focus on sustainability and climate protection? Our investment experts have selected companies for you that are committed to precisely these issues – and that also offer return opportunities.
By investing in climate and environmental protection, you can show your commitment to developments that you and the next generation will see and feel – without giving up healthy returns. Our investment experts have selected the following companies that play key roles in climate and environmental protection:
You can find more information on these companies on the willbe app, where you can invest in climate and environmental protection with as little as EUR / CHF 200. Play your part in ensuring we leave behind a liveable world for future generations!
Get to know the other 6 investment topics
Climate and environmental protection is not the only topic you can invest in. Learn more about our other 6 topics and invest where you see fit. All topics are based on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.