• Invest sustainably, make a difference and profit from 160 years of experience.

Invest in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Discover the sustainable topics where you can have the greatest impact.

Choose your favourite topics

willbe lets you invest in the sustainability issues you feel most concerned about. Our 7 topics are based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which ensures that your investments have the greatest possible impact and truly contribute to a more sustainable world. Because the companies we pick out for you can only make a difference if they have enough capital. And that’s exactly what you can give them – without sacrificing returns.

Find out more about the topics you can invest in and start shaping a better world with your very first investment.

Clean water

Invest in clean water to create hygienic conditions for people and the environment.

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Climate and environmental protection

Help fight climate change by investing in climate and environmental protection.

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Clean energy

The world needs more renewable energy! But that requires more research and innovation.

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Sustainable living and working

Sustainable economic growth contributes to a better future.

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Sustainable use of resources

Natural resources are limited but the circular economy offers opportunities.

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Healthcare and medicine

Invest in medical research and healthcare for both people and animals.

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Education and equal opportunity

Help further equal opportunity and invest in education for all.

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