Sustainability done right
Find out what sustainable investing really means and how you can support sustainable companies with your investments.

Sustainable investing with impact
wiLLBe allows you to invest in the topics you feel strongly about, from just a small capital outlay. Our 7 investment topics are fully aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). wiLLBe topics are based on the requirements of LLB’s sustainability processes and the MSCI ESG rating. This allows us to identify the companies that are particularly suitable for sustainable investment.
Working together for sustainable development
Progress has always been an innate part of the human experience, offering new opportunities for the environment, society and companies alike. But it’s essential that these developments are sustainable and global:
- Provide clean water
- Support renewable energies
- Offer equal opportunities for everyone
- Slow down climate change
- Give everyone a life worth living
Sound good? We think so, too. And not just us – the UN agrees. That’s why the UN’s member states set out 17 goals to achieve by 2030. Invest in these goals with wiLLBe.
Our sustainability requirements are more stringent
Investors are increasingly putting their money into investments that meet environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. But we use a much narrower definition of sustainability which extends well beyond ESG criteria when we select companies. In addition, we only select stocks that meet the following criteria:
- Companies that are in good financial shape and committed to sustainability
- Companies that are likely to provide good future returns
- Companies with low volatility
Invest without giving up potential returns
With wiLLBe you can create a portfolio of companies that are making a truly sustainable impact while also offering good prospects for returns. Our award-winning investment specialists seek out these gems for you.

Big ideas, small wallet
We think everyone should be able to invest in sustainability without sacrificing returns. That’s why our minimum investment is just EUR / CHF 200.
wiLLBe lets you invest your money in the topics that matter to you – so you and every other wiLLBe investor can contribute to a more sustainable world.
Our exclusion criteria at wiLLBe Invest
To ensure that wiLLBe always meets your and our standards with regard to environmental, social and governance criteria, we selectively exclude companies.
That means there is no place for these eight factors in a wiLLBe portfolio:
- Pollution
- Discrimination
- Child labour
- Controversial products
- Human rights abuses
- Nuclear weapons
- Anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions
- Forced labour
Consult the wiLLBe FAQ to find out how the exclusion criteria are applied.